Protecting Your “Total Self” With The 3 Aspects of the Ninja’s Kamae

Jeffrey Miller SPS, DTI
5 min readJul 17, 2022

The Ninja warrior’s kamae, body/mind/spirit attitudes, or “postures,” comprise one of the skills sets that are considered to be the building blocks of the Ninja’s arsenal. But, more than “fighting stances,” the Ninja’s kamae are reflections of what is going on within the practitioner, on a very deep, personal level.

Where the average person is very fragmented in his or her being, the Ninja practitioner is not. What I mean is that, when it comes to the average person, his or her speech is not in alignment with what they think or believe to be true about whatever, or whoever they are dealing with. And their body does not reflect either or both of these two positions.

The Ninja on the other hand, strives to be “authentic.” He or she exists in a state where our perspectives — our thoughts — about ourselves, others, and the world, are reflected in our speech and actions.

The Ninja walks-the-talk. But, even more so, the Ninja’s walk and talk is an honest and true reflection of what he or she thinks and believes on the inside.

Where others believe that the Ninja lives a life of lies, deception, and manipulation, the truth is that the true Shadow Warrior lives to serve the higher ideals of peace, harmony, and reality. It is this coming to a deep level clarity with oneself, and a bringing together of the different aspects of our being so that we are no longer living the half-truths, partial lies, and fragmented realities of the average person, which allows the Ninja to see what is “really going on.”

To understand this “inside-out,” or unified concept that we call “kamae,” we need only begin by looking at ourselves as we already operate. For, nothing within the Ninja’s arts is contrived or made up and outside of the realm of the natural.

And this goes for kamae as well.

As an example of this body, mind, spirit attitude connection in our daily make up and functioning in the world, start by thinking about a time when you were bored. You might have been thinking thoughts along the lines of “there’s nothing to do,” or, “I wish I had something to do.”

You might have been expressing these thoughts by saying them out loud, or you might have limited your communications to simple, but exasperated sighs. Remember?

And, if someone saw you at that moment, they might have said to you, “You know… If you’re bored, why don’t you find something to do?”

How did they know that you were bored? You might even have been trying to hide it.

But, they knew, didn’t they?

Of course, they knew. Because not only were you thinking those thoughts, and being expressive about those thoughts…

You were also standing or holding your body in a way that told the world that you were bored.

The same is true for when you are excited — your body shows that you are excited. Or when you are in any other emotional state of being.

The problem comes when we try to learn something like Ninjutsu. If we have no idea that our kamae are anything more than mere stances from which to begin a technique or kata, or if we are simply focused on the step-by-step execution of the technique that we’re working on, then our training, and there for our progress and development — suffers.

When training in the Ninja’s kamae, you must understand, and train with the realization and truth that each kamae has three parts, or aspects, to it. This is completely aside from the 10 aspects of the physical alignment and positioning of the body alone. What I’m talking about here is making sure that you are not “doing” a kamae, but that you are “in” the state reflected by that particular posture — in body, mind, and spirit/emotions.

So, there they are. The three aspects of kamae.

Did you see them in my description?

The 3 Aspects of Any and Every Kamae within the Ninja’s armed and unarmed self-defense method known as Ninpo-taijutsu are:

1)Physical — the body reflects the truth about the Ninja’s perceptions, intentions, and commitment in this moment

2)Mental — the kamae itself, including where and how the Ninja combatant stares at his opponent, communicates what he “intends” to do should the assailant attack, and…

3)Emotional — the Ninja is clear about, and true to his or her feelings about the attacker, the situation, or the desired outcome.

And, while there are kamae which are designed to conceal the Ninja’s intentions from his opponent, or cause the enemy to believe one thing about you when really something else is true…

The beginning levels of training are focused on teaching you how to bring yourself into alignment with…


Then, and only then, will you be able to use something as simple as your kamae to control your attacker’s perceptions, and there for his or her decisions, options, and actions. Then, you will be able to live the lesson in the scrolls that says that your “posture” should be such that…

“You are so confident in you kamae, that you can win with IT alone!”

Are you serious about mastering the art of ninjutsu, or just curious about what gives this system its power? Do you want to know what it takes to progress through the levels of self-defense mastery in this powerful martial art?

How? By ensuring that your training is about strategic application of skill and skill proficiency — not just learning a bunch of “moves”! Get started by reading this valuable ninja training book, Becoming A Master — Online Ninja Academy.

“Becoming the Master.”

Get your free copy at: Becoming A Master — Online Ninja Academy

Jeffrey Miller is a master-teacher in the centuries-old art of Japan’s ancient shadow warrior. Each month he shares his 40+ years of training, research, and knowledge — combined with his years of real-world experience using these teachings on the dangerous streets of our modern world — with literally thousands of students from all over the world. Dai-Shihan Miller says, “If you really want to learn ninjutsu, and become a master of the Ninja’s arts, then I can show you the secrets for developing the power, confidence, and control of a true Ninja warrior!”

Originally published at on July 17, 2022.



Jeffrey Miller SPS, DTI
Jeffrey Miller SPS, DTI

Written by Jeffrey Miller SPS, DTI


I help concerned business leaders protect their people, companies, and reputations from the fear, damage, and loss of stress, burnout, and workplace violence.

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